Hidden deep within the overlapping branches of the trees comes a parade of beings who radiate the power of togetherness.Who teach the importance of life’s essential needs-to love one another and to love and support whoever is standing next to you. Leaning into the process of pareidolia to create her imagery, Pamela is grateful to the trees for guiding and encouraging her to feel steady within her own imagination. The creative connection deepening her own relationship with nature and the landscape around her.
Over the past few years, her gaze has shifted away from the trees to explore what happens on a piece of paper without those leafy buddies guiding her visual lens. The resulting imagery remains steeped in the message from the trees-to radiate love to all and to respect and support each other.
This work is part of the group exhibition Popland IV. Popland is a remarkable exhibition concept featuring new, emerging, and established talent from around the world, curated by artist Ciou.
Since the emergence of art movements in the 20th century, such as surrealism and pop art, a community of artists has emerged in the 21st century who have created a unique movement known as Pop Surrealism.
“It is interesting to see how artists from Asia interpret American influences, and how artists from Europe approach art from Japan. It is a continuous cycle of inspiration, a perfect circle.
I am very excited to show you my selection of the best international artists of our generation. In this edition, you will discover established and emerging artists from Japan, Australia, Spain, Lithuania, France, the United States, Argentina, the Netherlands, Scotland, and Germany” - Ciou