,,,,Ray Caesar 'Communion' | 2017 | Digital Ultrachrome on Archival PaperEdition of 20 | 76 x 87 cm | <a href=../218/?form_112.replyids=1001>ASK FOR PRICE</a>,,,,Ray Caesar 'Sweet Pea' | 2017 | Digital Ultrachrome on Archival Paper; Edition of 20 | 7 x 76 cm | SOLD,,,,Ray Caesar 'Tainted by the Sea' | 2017 | Digital Ultrachrome on Archival Paper; Edition of 20 |  | SOLD


Ray Caesar

Winter Group Show Caesar

2017 Nov 4 - 2017 Dec 23

This Winter Group Exhibition will show the latest works by our artist and friend Ray Caesar (CAN). We are always extremely excited for his new creations that leaves us in an ongoing admiration since 2005. Also we will first time show our new artist Claire Partington (London). And accompanied by some of the latest amazing new works by Meryl Donoghue (UK).

[NL] Vanaf 4 november is in KochxBos Gallery een nieuwe winter groepsexpositie te zien. De nieuwe kunstenares Claire Partington wordt geïntroduceerd, er zijn nieuwe kunstwerken van Ray Caesar te bewonderen, die zowel in Toronto (Canada) en Amsterdam tegelijk onthuld worden én nieuw werk van Meryl Donoghue, het aanstormende talent uit Engeland. Wie goed kijkt, ontdekt dat in alle kunstwerken meerdere verhaallijnen samenkomen. ‘Je blijft kijken.’

"We're extremely proud to announce our new artist Claire Partington from London."
From 4 November, KochxBos Gallery will show a new winter group exhibition. The new artist Claire Partington will be introduced, there are new works by Ray Caesar to be admired, revealed both in Toronto (Canada) and Amsterdam at the same time, and new art by Meryl Donoghue, the impulsive talent from England.
Those who look good discover that in all works of art there are several story lines. "You keep watching."

Winter Group Show Caesar