| https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1482/_cache/1600w/mh2020_harmony-paper-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1482/_cache/1200w/mh2020_harmony-paper-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1482/_cache/640w/mh2020_harmony-paper-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1482/_cache/280w/mh2020_harmony-paper-blackwhite.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Harmony' | 2020 | graphite on paper | 57 x 44 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1399/_cache/1600w/oh-how-I-love-you-RGB-webbbb.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1399/_cache/1200w/oh-how-I-love-you-RGB-webbbb.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1399/_cache/640w/oh-how-I-love-you-RGB-webbbb.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1399/_cache/280w/oh-how-I-love-you-RGB-webbbb.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Oh... How I Love You' | 2020 | acrylic on linen; aluminium frame | 130 x 100 x 5 | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1470/_cache/1600w/mh2020_oh-how-i-love-you2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1470/_cache/1200w/mh2020_oh-how-i-love-you2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1470/_cache/640w/mh2020_oh-how-i-love-you2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1470/_cache/280w/mh2020_oh-how-i-love-you2.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'Oh how I love you' | 2020 | acrylic on panel | 130 x 100 x 4,5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1484/_cache/1600w/mh2020_Harmony2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1484/_cache/1200w/mh2020_Harmony2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1484/_cache/640w/mh2020_Harmony2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1484/_cache/280w/mh2020_Harmony2.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Harmony' | 2020 | Acrylic on panel | 100 x 70 x 5 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1469/_cache/1600w/mh2020_from-the-dark.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1469/_cache/1200w/mh2020_from-the-dark.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1469/_cache/640w/mh2020_from-the-dark.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1469/_cache/280w/mh2020_from-the-dark.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'From the Dark' | 2020 | Acrylic on panel | 40 x 30 x 3,5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1480/_cache/1600w/mh2020_from-the-dark2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1480/_cache/1200w/mh2020_from-the-dark2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1480/_cache/640w/mh2020_from-the-dark2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1480/_cache/280w/mh2020_from-the-dark2.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'From the dark' | 2020 | | 40 x 30 x 3,5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1486/_cache/1600w/mh2020_heartscapes-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1486/_cache/1200w/mh2020_heartscapes-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1486/_cache/640w/mh2020_heartscapes-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1486/_cache/280w/mh2020_heartscapes-framed.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Heartscapes' | 2020 | acrylic painting | 43 x 57 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1485/_cache/1600w/mh2020_heartscapes-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1485/_cache/1200w/mh2020_heartscapes-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1485/_cache/640w/mh2020_heartscapes-blackwhite.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1485/_cache/280w/mh2020_heartscapes-blackwhite.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'Heartscapes' | 2020 | Graphite on paper | 63 x 33,5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1474/_cache/1600w/mh2020_rose-colored1.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1474/_cache/1200w/mh2020_rose-colored1.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1474/_cache/640w/mh2020_rose-colored1.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1474/_cache/280w/mh2020_rose-colored1.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'Rose-Colored ' | 2020 | Acrylic on panel | 49,5 x 30 x 5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1473/_cache/1600w/mh2020_rose-colored.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1473/_cache/1200w/mh2020_rose-colored.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1473/_cache/640w/mh2020_rose-colored.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1473/_cache/280w/mh2020_rose-colored.jpg,"Martine Johanna 'Rose-Colored ' | 2020 | Acrylic on panel | 49,5 x 30 x 5 cm | SOLD"
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1476/_cache/1600w/mh2020_white-horse-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1476/_cache/1200w/mh2020_white-horse-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1476/_cache/640w/mh2020_white-horse-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1476/_cache/280w/mh2020_white-horse-framed.jpg,Martine Johanna 'White Horse - framed' | 2020 | drawing beautifully framed | 57 x 43 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1477/_cache/1600w/mh2020_white-horse.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1477/_cache/1200w/mh2020_white-horse.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1477/_cache/640w/mh2020_white-horse.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1477/_cache/280w/mh2020_white-horse.jpg,Martine Johanna 'White Horse - framed' | 2020 | Graphite on paper | 57 x 43 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1478/_cache/1600w/mh2020_with-me2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1478/_cache/1200w/mh2020_with-me2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1478/_cache/640w/mh2020_with-me2.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1478/_cache/280w/mh2020_with-me2.jpg,Martine Johanna 'With Me' | 2020 | Acrylic on panel | 70 x 50 x 5 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1479/_cache/1600w/mh2020_with-me.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1479/_cache/1200w/mh2020_with-me.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1479/_cache/640w/mh2020_with-me.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1479/_cache/280w/mh2020_with-me.jpg,Martine Johanna 'With Me' | 2020 | acrylic on panel | Size: 70 x 50 x 5 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1481/_cache/1600w/mh2020_harmony-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1481/_cache/1200w/mh2020_harmony-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1481/_cache/640w/mh2020_harmony-framed.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1481/_cache/280w/mh2020_harmony-framed.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Harmony' | 2020 | graphite on paper | 57 x 44 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1472/_cache/1600w/mh2020_room01.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1472/_cache/1200w/mh2020_room01.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1472/_cache/640w/mh2020_room01.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1472/_cache/280w/mh2020_room01.jpg,Martine Johanna '' | 0 | | | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1471/_cache/1600w/harmony_print.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1471/_cache/1200w/harmony_print.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1471/_cache/640w/harmony_print.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/1471/_cache/280w/harmony_print.jpg,Martine Johanna 'Harmony - Limited edition' | 2020 | Piëzografie on Hahnemuhle White Velvet mat fine art | 40 x 60 cm | € 95 <a href=../217/?form_112.replyids=1471>FOR SALE</a>
(english below) ’New Reality’ Corona proof opening (#1) op zaterdag 9 mei 12 uur lang van 11:00 tot 23:00 uur, 24 tijdsloten van 30 minuten Surrender Dorothy - Solo expositie Martine Johanna Zaterdag 9 mei bent u welkom op de opening 'Surrender Dorothy', de nieuwe werken van Martine Johanna. Op de opening zijn we niet met z'n allen tegelijk aanwezig zijn zoals we gewend zijn, maar in veilige tijdvakken van 30 minuten tussen 11:00 tot 23:00 uur. Per tijdslot zijn er maximaal 2 bezoekers welkom zoals van overheidswege is toegestaan tijdens deze corona periode. >> registreer hier je gratis ticket op het tijdstip dat jou past << Wij geloven in kunst zien, beleven, ervaren: het bij je lurven gegrepen worden. Dat kan virtueel, zeker kan dat, maar verdwijnt het zo ook niet gevoelsmatig in 'the cloud'? Dat werk dat afgelopen jaar met veel liefde en aandacht is gemaakt verdient nu onze aandacht. We kiezen daarom voor deze oplossing en vragen je om op tijd te komen. In een klein gezelschap van maximaal twee personen, volgens de richtlijnen van RIVM kun je zo van de kunst genieten. Registreer je ticket in het tijdvak dat jou past, dat kan tussen 11:00 tot 23:00 uur. Wij staan klaar om je te begroeten. Welkom! Hans Bos en Esther Koch --- Surrender Dorothy is een verwijzing naar de tekst uit een beroemde scene van the wizard of Oz, waarin in zwarte inktwolken wordt gevraagd om de overgave van Dorothy. Het concept bevindt zich tussen fantasie en werkelijkheid en is een ode aan liefde, seksualiteit, verlangen, overgave, dromen, inspiratie en romantiek. Surrender Dorothy staat in deze expositie voor het loslaten van de rede en overgave aan hartstocht. Dit staat in verbinding met de liefde met jezelf; een complexe liefde die vaak door zelfhaat wordt schaduwt. Het verlangen naar de romantische liefde, welke van jongs af aan vooral bij meisjes wordt aangewakkerd, is als het ware de ultieme oplossing voor deze zelfhaat. Deze romantisering die je voor het eerst ontdekt als kind door middel van sprookjes, romantische verhalen en films nestelen zich diep en welkom in de beeldvorming van wat liefde zal zijn. De ware liefde echter is een spiegel, een oprechte open omarming van jezelf met al je schaduwkanten. De liefde heelt, bevrijdt, inspireert, verbindt en verslindt. Martine Johanna is beeldend kunstenaar, bekend om haar kleurrijke schilderijen met abstracte en figuratieve elementen. Haar autobiografische werk, schijnbaar luchtig, verkent de dualiteit tussen jeugdige naïviteit en met angst-doorzeefde volwassenheid. De delicaat geschilderde figuren delen een gevoel van volledige onderdompeling in hun eigen “interne psychische landschap.” Martine Johanna heeft internationaal succes en exposeert regelmatig in de VS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - English - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The show title is a reference to the text from a famous scene from The Wizard of Oz, in which black ink clouds demand Dorothy's surrender. The new exhibition is an ode to love, sexuality, desire, surrender and romance. Surrender Dorothy stands for the release of reason and surrender to passion. This connects with loving yourself; a complex love that is often overshadowed by self-hatred. The desire for romantic love, which is imprinted from an early age especially for girls, is seemingly the ultimate solution to this self-hatred. A romanticization that you discover for the first time as a child through fairy tales, romantic stories and films, is deeply rooted in the idea of what love will be like. True love, however, is a mirror, a genuine open embrace of yourself with all your shadow sides. Love heals, frees, inspires, connects and devours. "My vision, the creative process and its ritual are the most important to me in my work. I myself photograph models that I then digitally put into compositions and abstract, I use this as a rough example, the final result is always different, and often I first make drawings to examine the composition so that I know better whether it works as a painting.
I am a fast painter and often work for days and obsessively on 1 work until it is finished, hence the choice for acrylic which dries quickly with high pigment values so that it has a good color intensity. I work in layers and lines in a broadly saturated and contrasting color spectrum."
- Martine Johanna
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