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https://kochxbos.com/112/records/581/_cache/1600w/1692.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/581/_cache/1200w/1692.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/581/_cache/640w/1692.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/581/_cache/280w/1692.jpg,Sarah Maple 'Fighting Fire With Fire No.2' | 2007 | C-Type Print | | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/585/_cache/1600w/1694.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/585/_cache/1200w/1694.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/585/_cache/640w/1694.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/585/_cache/280w/1694.jpg,Sarah Maple 'Signs' | 2007 | C-Type Print | | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/577/_cache/1600w/1684.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/577/_cache/1200w/1684.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/577/_cache/640w/1684.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/577/_cache/280w/1684.jpg,Sarah Maple 'UK Feminista Summer School 2013.' | 0 | Talk and Panel discussion on Art and Activism with Campbell X and Suzee Morayef. | | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/578/_cache/1600w/1685.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/578/_cache/1200w/1685.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/578/_cache/640w/1685.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/578/_cache/280w/1685.jpg,Sarah Maple 'An artist and a female artist' | 2012 | Vinyl wallpaper | 400 x 300 cm | SOLD
https://kochxbos.com/112/records/586/_cache/1600w/1695.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/586/_cache/1200w/1695.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/586/_cache/640w/1695.jpg,https://kochxbos.com/112/records/586/_cache/280w/1695.jpg,Sarah Maple 'The opposite to a feminist' | 2009 | C-Type Print | | SOLD
It's Just Like Any Other Job Really - Dedicated To World Peace In collaboration with Beverley Knowles
Sarah Maple Sarah Maple was born in 1985. She completed a BA in Fine Art from Kingston University in 2007 and in the same year won the '4 New Sensations' competition for emerging artists, run by The Saatchi Gallery.
Sarah’s artwork, film and performances have been exhibited internationally at galleries and institutions including A.I.R Gallery (NY), AGO (Canada), the Southbank Centre (London), The New Art Exchange (Nottingham) and Kunisthoone (Estonia). Her exhibition at Kunstihoone broke the museum's record for visitor numbers in a day, first weekend and overall duration. Sarah has an upcoming solo exhibition at the Golden Thread Gallery (Belfast) in 2014.
Sarah has also been invited to speak at an Amnesty International event, as well as events at Birmingham and Warwick universities, and the LSE. Sarah has worked collaboratively on film projects with Nick Knight and the Southbank Centre and her work has also been included in publications by the Whitechapel Gallery and Gestalten. She now lives and works in her native Sussex.
"Sarah Maple’s artwork is unfailingly bold and brave, not for the coy or faint of heart. These unflinching, occasionally even controversial, investigations into what it is to be a woman and a Muslim in 21st century Britain are made joyful by her own very personal brand of boisterous, tongue-in-cheek humour. This is not sensationalism for sensationalism’s sake, but rather a heart felt urge by a twenty-seven-year old artist of great sincerity and talent, for the viewer to look again, and this time with a more questioning eye, at traditionally accepted notions of identity, gender, culture and religion." Beverley Knowles, 2012
NEDERLANDS ________________________________________________
Art + Feminism + Humor = Sarah Maple
Sarah Maple (1985, UK) studeerde in 2007 af aan de Kingston Universiteit in Londen. Datzelfde jaar won ze de eerste ‘New Sensations Prize', een door Charles Saatchi & Channel 4 ingestelde prijs voor meest getalenteerde nieuwe kunstenaars.
Maple werd opgevoed als moslim, maar haar ouders hebben verschillende religieuze en culturele achtergronden. Veel van haar inspiratie komt hieruit voort. Met kwajongensachtige bravoure zoekt ze - en vervaagt ze - de grenzen tussen populaire popcultuur en religieuze devotie. Door haar eigenwijze stijl dwingt ze de kijker om de traditionele begrippen van religie, identiteit en de sociale rol van de vrouw opnieuw onder ogen te zien.
‘Food for thought’, dat is wat Maple haar kijker wil bieden. ‘Ik geloof dat humor een uitstekend middel is om dit te bereiken en daarom kies ik ervoor mijn conceptuele ideeën luchtig en met een knipoog te presenteren.’
“We want to move forward, and I want to, you know, do it for the girls.” - Sarah Maple -
“Sarah maple is giving feminism a make over” - Dayna McLeod -
“Meet the heir to Tracey Emin’s throne… The best of the new young British artists.” - Andrew Johnson for The Independent -
Documentaire over Sarah Maple bij de VPRO, door Sarah Meuleman, ±40 minuten, kijk op http://www.npo.nl/sarah-s-barbaren/14-09-2011/VPWON_1156496
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