Casey Weldon


Casey Weldon (USA), born in southern California graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Now living and working as fine artist and illustrator in Seattle. 

Weldon's colorful and sometimes fluorescent work explores the boundaries of exciting moments. Situations that could well happen on this earth. He uses many elements of modern pop culture but adds a language all of its own that makes you want to live in this world, or at least just want to wander for a while. Full of humor and eccentric nostalgia. Well-known works are the 'Four-Eyed Cats' and the series of landscapes. He also signed for the Black Camaro band's hand-painted music video, 'Zebraska'. His work has connections to the art of Paco Pomet, John Brophy and André Breton.


Casey Weldon was part of the Popland 1.0 (2020) and 2.0 Exhibition (2021).

War & Peace
Meowtain High
Fruiting Body