

Malojo born in Bayonne Bask Country lives and works in Tyrosse (landes). His work is more and more known in the U.S thanks to many exhibitions and conventions (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Taos etc…) but also in Mexico and Europe (Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Bask Country and France). He regularly self publishes his own work and he’s currently working on a toy figure.

His first visual shocks were comic books covers and old horror movie posters: where a single image gives the stakes of a whole story. From very early on, he was also influenced by religious and mythological representations, where more often than not the sublime tends toward the horror. Next to modern influences Molojo is fascinated by Bruegel and Hieronymos Bosch, Kuniyoshi and Ishinomori, the tokusatsus and the Pre-Raphaelites. Assimilating all of them together with graphic artists like Walt Disney and Tex Avery he gives birth to strange scars riddled characters with deformed faces, and many other lovable evil creatures. Monsters are the true heroes of his universe: depicting them as saints and even gods. 

Malojo was part of the Popland 1.0 (2020) and 2.0 Exhibition (2021) and also participates in the Popland 3.0 edition in 2023.

The great gig in my head
The unloveables
Tioc faidh àr là!
The shanty singer
One kick it was! It was but one! But such a one!
Goo goo goo gjoob
Hannya Namanari
Tour de force Defacto Ayuchuco
Die Wilde Jagd
Raijin Kun
Best Mutila II
Best Mutila II